Hiii! This is my new web!!
Im a sixteen year old homeschooled kid, ive taken it upon myself to start social media as a hobby and not a lifetime thing. i want to enjoy my journey of taking you guys along with me in my hardship as an only child of a single parent. i want others to know they are NOT alone in any way!
These past few years 2020-2025 have been hell for almost every teen i have known, seen or even heard from. its my honor to try to bring brightness to someones day.

If you ever need a helping hand or some simple advice.. DM ME!!
Thank you for viewing my new webpage, and taking time to read my stuff as well
- Nayeli -

If you have any questions on how i made this web or even how i learned coding in less than a day, dm me ! i will send you videos, and personal advice. im not good but i know enough!!
ADVICE OF THE WEEK: A person with nothing, WILL make you lose everything.